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  First a little disclaimer: When Harry Potter first came out, in my high school senior social studies class we had to select a book and write a report. We were in social studies/history, so I of course chose a very appropriate book (The Killer Angels). Another student had the audacity to choose a children’s book, Harry Potter. I was quick to let them know my disapproval of such weak literature. Fast forward only a few years and I was one of those anxiously awaiting the arrival of the final book on July 21, 2007. My how things change. I will gladly admit how wrong I was. Overall take away…. From all 7 books. Aside from the obvious lack of moral imagination (the premise of a story, in which the good guy never does bad things and always follows the rules etc), I have once again thoroughly loved these books. While they are stuffed with magic, obviously, they touch on so many situations that very real people experience. Hard situations with family dynamics, grief, poverty, privilege, a ple

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